Table of Contents
The house of Bread
A peaceful place
Angels were heard
On High
And the shepherds
Of a tribe
Heard their voices
In the plain
In excelcis deo!
And they found
The newborn King
As predicted
In the crib
The church of the Nativity in Bethlehem
The prophecy
Land of the shepherds . Bethlehem.
Merry Christmas to all!
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This is rather a lot of information that is being encoded within very few set of lines to communicate the birth of Jesus Christ. I am not sure I have ever seen something like this before in my life which makes it a real beauty to read on. I will be more than glad to share this out with the world. Thumbs up
Thank you… !the WORD has become flesh… And it is no blabla…
Hey thank you for the awesome post! This is beautifully written about Bethlehem! Is the first part in the Bible or Torah or something? I have never heard it before and I was just wondering! Have you ever been to Bethlehem? I do like the prophecy you posted. It is very beautiful!
Hi Jessie, the Old Testament is full of prophecies about the Messiah. One of the most important being Isaiah 53… the New testament fulfills it.Yes, I was fortunate to visit the shepherds fields… and it is beyond wOrds..Thank you for your kind commentStay in peace
I really like this website and it’s contents, the images attached to it has made it very easy and appealing to captivate my attention and also it helps understand its words. Bethlehem is a great place as mentioned in the Bible and even for some that have been there. I’ll like to see more of this.
Welcome Andrea. Glad you liked it.And yes, visiting the Holy Land is an unforgettable event!Stay blessed
Bethlehem is a really beautiful place and right from time one can easily say that it has help the memories of many things for us Christians. I like how you have captured those verses and given us a dose of how Christ cake. Christmas is near and this is just a perfect time to inhale this good verse from the Bible.
A wonderful place and message for the nations!Peace to all men of good will indeed… Thank you for your kind comment!
This is a very fitting post for the holidays. Spectacular photograph of Bethlehem. Did you write the poem? It’s beautiful. I would love to visit Bethlehem because there’s so much history there. Are you from there? Or have you visited there? I could imagine the festivities that take place there during the Christmas season.
The Holy Land is a wonderful place to visit. A once in a lifetime event. An experience without comparison indeed. They say, the Land calls when you are ready…The ancient city of Jerusalem, the land of Galilea, Thabor and Carmel mount… so many Holy places.Yes, I have been there and it seems yesterday…The image is the shepherds field in Bethlehem, where angels were heard on high!Let us pray for the peace of Jerusalem.