Table of Contents
Noetic Knowledge
According to Egyptians
We bath in the noez
the non matter for 99%
Recently confirmed
by scientist
named plasma
A fourth state of matter
Made up of electrically
Charged gas
Enlightening the cosmos
The planets
our mother Earth
Air, water, sunlight
Being gifts
Of heaven
To be cherished
A world of light
Far from mechanical views
Light and sound
Making us
Electrical beings
Sound vibrations
Spiritual science
Healing potentials
A therapeutic approach
Using tuning forks
For bio field tuning
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What is noetic knowledge
Noetic knowledge refers to a multidisciplinary field of study that brings scientific tools and techniques together with subjective inner knowing to study the nature of reality. The term “noetic” comes from the Greek word noēsis/noētikos, meaning inner wisdom, direct knowing, intuition, or implicit understanding. It encompasses ways of knowing beyond the traditional five senses and is associated with states of insight into truths not fully accessible by the discursive intellect. This concept has been the focus of the Institute of Noetic Sciences, which was founded to reconcile scientific and spiritual interpretations of reality and to explore the potential influence of consciousness on the physical world
The Noetic Signature Inventory
Qualitative analysis of first-person accounts of noetic experiences.
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Noetic knowledge on Amazon
Biofield tuning forks on Amazon
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