Abrahamic and pharaonic

Abrahamic and pharaonic
Image of the ancient city of Ur, One of the most important monuments in Iraq and that goes back to the Sumerian period which are located in the province of Dhi Qar in southern Iraq.

 Abrahamic and pharaonic

From Ur
In Sumer

To Sarah
Pharao’s daughter

Both representing
Two old and mighty lineages
Of the Middle East

Old Sumer
Old Egypt

Their Stories
And wisdom

Parents of the faith…
One family
One God

My brothers
My sisters

Peace, peace, peace

In Sumer

The city of Ur

2500 to 2800 BC..

The ancient Sumerians…
Those whose reliques have been found in the Royal Tomb of Uhr…
Called the tribe of the Lion in opposition to the tribe of the Bull

Moshe on the mountain and the people adoring the golden bull…

History, archeology and ancient scriptures are weaving the tissues of the past.

It will sure help us to understand our own destinies.

Myth becoming reality…

Some explanations

The terms “Abrahamic” and “Pharaonic” refer to two distinct historical and cultural contexts, each with its own set of religious, historical, and cultural connotations.

  1. Abrahamic: This term is primarily associated with the Abrahamic religions: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. These religions are called Abrahamic because they all trace their origins to the patriarch Abraham, a key figure in their religious texts. The Abrahamic religions share certain beliefs and narratives, such as the creation story, the figure of Abraham himself, and certain ethical principles. They originated in the Middle East and have had a significant influence on Western civilization, shaping its philosophy, ethics, and law.
  2. Pharaonic: This term relates to ancient Egypt, particularly the period when it was ruled by pharaohs. The word “pharaonic” is often used to describe anything related to the rulers, culture, religion, or monumental architecture (like pyramids and temples) of ancient Egypt. The religion of ancient Egypt was polytheistic, with a pantheon of gods and goddesses, and was intertwined with concepts of afterlife and ritual. The culture and beliefs of Pharaonic Egypt were distinct from those of the Abrahamic traditions, with different religious texts, gods, and cosmologies.

The connotation between the two terms is primarily in their distinct historical and religious contexts. While Abrahamic religions have a monotheistic belief system centered around a single, omnipotent God, Pharaonic religion was polytheistic and involved complex rituals and beliefs about the afterlife. The meeting of these two worlds occurred historically, for instance, in the biblical narrative of the Exodus, where the Israelites, following the Abrahamic God, are said to have left Egypt, which was under Pharaonic rule. This story, while a cornerstone in Jewish and Christian traditions, is not corroborated by Egyptian historical records.

In modern times, the understanding of these two terms often reflects the broader dialogue and study of ancient civilizations and their religious and cultural systems. They represent two different, yet influential, ancient traditions that have shaped human history in various ways.

Some notes from my mail inbox

When two great lineages join into a marriage bond becomes the cause of refined coming generation with enhanced wisdom.
Abraham and Sarai remain a mystery… Some say they never existed despite their tombs in the cave of the Patriarchs.

DNA will speak, if allowed.
Ur in Chaldea…


Ham son of Noah… allways the same Name

Oral and written traditions… were changed to fit convenience

Does it matter?
Sarai was the daughter of Haran, one of Abraham’s two brothers. Her name at first was Sarai, but when the Almighty later changed Abraham’s name from Abram to Abraham, He also changed Sarai’s name to Sarah. Saran and Sarah both mean “Princess.” She was regarded as one of the greatest princesses in the world (Talmud, Berachot 13a).
Haran and the moongod Shin, deity of Ur and Sumer

Sarai ment daughter of Pharao
let us chant….. with our Hindu friends…

chant and rejoice the sedimentation of peace….

Srikrishna is the incarnation,  he has all the names…
the approximate translation shall be-

Oh Beloved Krishna, Oh Govinda, Oh Hari, Hey Murari, Oh Lord Narayana, Ho Vasudeva [all names of Krishna]. I worship you with my heart and soul.
Ekam sat, viprah bahudha vadanti

Truth is One,
learned scholars know it by many names
The path of Abraham is one of faith in Most High
A personal relationship of surrender and service
The message is almost the same every where .
Our basic needs , wants and desires are also the same
But then what happens which causes so much of hatred , violence and injustice ?





So many evils
all lead to violence
And blood shed
but the color of the blood is the same
all over the world
same blood when flows out of the body
can give life
can take a life also !

I believe good still prevails…
And people of good will are still majority

When we look at numbers in absolute or in relative way…
The outcome is quite different…

We need to look what unites us at service of menkind: humanity…
And law is a fundamental way to protect society and individuals …

People of good will are the soul of mankind and help humanity to survive

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